8-Week Tidy Challenge: Week 3

8 Week Tidy Challenge - Week 3

Welcome to week three of our 8-Week Tidy Challenge! If you experience tidying fatigue, let your organized closet from week two be a source of inspiration. Remember to keep your smartphone handy to document your progress – and tag #mykonmari on social – so we can see how far you’ve come!

Day 15: Make a Book Pile

Scour your space for books – from paperback novels and hardcover anthologies to cookbooks, art books and textbooks – and gather them all in one spot.

Day 16: Resist Reading as You Tidy

Cracking open the spine of an old book might seem like the best way to determine if you should keep it, but this will only slow you down. Instead, pick up each book one at a time, hold it close and see how your body responds; if it sparks joy, you’ll feel a little thrill of electricity. Keep the book if it moves you now – not if you think, “I might read this again – or for the first time – someday.”

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Day 17: Don’t Limit Yourself

The KonMari Method™ is often associated with minimalism because many people realize they’ve been living with items that don’t spark joy – and end up with massive piles of items to donate. When you look at your tidied bookshelf, every volume on it should make you happy! Whether that means 30 books or 300, keep them with confidence.


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Day 18: Joy Check General Books & Magazines

Finish tidying books – and magazines – you read for enjoyment.

Day 19: Joy Check Practical Books

Today, tidy books with a specific purpose or function – like reference books and cookbooks – and any outliers you didn’t get to yesterday. By the end of the day, you should have gone through all of your books and decided which ones to keep.

Day 20: Store Your Books

Find a home for your joy-sparking books and prioritize upright storage – piles of books end up being piles of unread books.


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Day 21: Share a Shelfie

Show us your tomes! Snap a shelfie of your organized books – tag it with #mykonmari to share with your fellow tidiers.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the books category. Next week we’ll tackle papers. Browse Marie’s office accessories and paper organizers to get inspired.

It’s not too late to join the fun – visit our 8-Week Tidy Challenge.

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