8-Week Tidy Challenge: Week 2

We’re on week two of our 8-Week Tidy Challenge! Here’s your next batch of bite-size daily tasks. Stick to the calendar, and you’ll experience the transformative power of tidying before summer is over – we promise. Now get ready, clothes – we’re coming for you!

Tidy by category, not by location is the guiding principle of the KonMari Method™. We’ll walk you through a new category each week of the tidy challenge, and this week we’re tackling the first category of Marie’s unique method: clothes. Don’t forget to keep your smartphone handy to document your clothing piles and progress! Tag #mykonmari on social media so we can cheer you on!

Day 8: The Pile

Gather all of your clothing in one spot to fully assess how much you own. Be thorough: Coats in the hall closet and seasonal clothes in the attic have to come along for the ride, too – no stowaways! If you live with multiple people, focus only on your items.

Day 9: Learn How to Joy Check

Take out three items of clothing from your pile that unequivocally spark joy. Hold them in your hands and take note of how they make you feel. Once you’ve determined what joy feels like for you, you can apply the joy check to all of your belongings. As you tidy, this feeling will be the standard you use to determine what to keep – and what to let go of with gratitude.


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Day 10: Tidy Core Clothes

Today’s goal: Tidy tops, bottoms, dresses, pajamas and jackets. Marie recommends starting with tops – items worn close to your heart make it easier to determine if they spark joy.

Separate your belongings into two piles – items to keep and items to discard. Resist the urge to store as you go – finish tidying all of your clothes and then decide where your kept items should go.


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Day 11: Tidy Intimates & Athletic Wear

Today’s focus is on intimates – including bras, underwear, socks and stockings – and athletic wear. You got this!

Day 12: Tidy Accessories

Time to joy check your accessories! Sort them into the following sub-categories: handbags, shoes, belts, scarves, jewelry.


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Day 13: Fold & Store

Give thanks to the clothing you’ve chosen to let go ofdonate, sell or recycle these items so they don’t end up in a landfill.

Now it’s time to store what you chose to keep. To decide where to store something is to give it a home – make sure your belonging are easy to take out and, most importantly, easy to put away. To maximize space in closets, shelves and drawers, Marie recommends folding clothes so they stand upright. Of course, some garments – like heavy jackets and items that wrinkle easily – will prefer to be hung. Watch Marie demonstrate her signature fold. Need more help folding? Learn how to fold intimates, menswear and plus-size items.


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Day 14: Organize Your Closet

Arrange the items in your closet so they rise to the right. Hang longer and heavier items on the left – clothing should get shorter, the material thinner and the color lighter as you move from left to right.

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Congratulations! You’ve completed the first category in the KonMari Method™. Tonight, treat yourself to a well-deserved break.

It’s not too late to join the fun – visit our 8-Week Tidy Challenge

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